The Shake Cleanse

from The Shake Cleanse

Reshape your body in 6 short weeks with Shakeology and Slim in 6. The secret is the combination of  The Shake Cleanse and the exclusive Slim Training® technique, which combines fat-burning cardio with light resistance moves to help you slim and sculpt your body without bulking you up! You’ll literally shrink your midsection and get slim, sexy thighs, hips, and arms—all in just 6 WEEKS. Plus, order now and get Debbie’s 6-Day Express™  Diet Plan to help you lose up to 6 pounds and 6 inches in your first 6 days—guaranteed!

Order both Shakeology for The Shake Cleanse and Slim in 6 with me! ORDER NOW!

Check back each day for more recipes and ideas and workout routines!

The basics are as follows:
3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day
1 piece of fruit a day
! salad for dinner
Only white grilled protein in salad


Only Low Fat Dressings.

Please Email me your results. FRIEND ME ON FACEBOOK & FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER

You can put your 2 snacks before or after any of the MAJOR MEALS — Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

The fruit was optional, and I actually discouraged it some of you will need the calories where others would not. Power workout participants(Super Conditioned— not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.
*** For maximum results NO additives.

I also said NO DIARY products at all for maximum results, no almond soy or rice milk.

Dinner salad was only WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN. Poultry or fish.

REPEAT all 3 Days

1 cup of green tea
I used Triple Leaf Detox Tea

Shakeology 140 calories
1 scoop
½ cup of fruit (60-90 calories)-optional
add ice
8-10 oz of water

SNACK (85 calories)
1 piece of fruit
– Apple, pear, orange, banana mango, etc

Shakeology (140 calories)
1 scoop
Add ice
10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea
I used Triple Leaf Detox Tea

(either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
Shakeology (140 calories)
1 scoop
Add ice
8-10 oz of water

Salad Grilled white fish or poultry (340 calories)

(either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
Shakeology (140 calories)
1 scoop
Add ice
8-10 oz of water

~ by thetotaleffect on March 8, 2010.

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